Our Anaesthetists
Dr. Ian Balson
Dr. Ian Balson is a fully qualified Specialist Anaesthetist, currently appointed to several Private Hospitals across Melbourne.
He has vast experience in anaesthesia having qualified in medicine at Melbourne University in 1983 (MBBS) and obtaining his Anaesthetic Fellowship from the Australia and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists in 1992 (FANZCA).
Dr. Balson underwent his medical training at St. Vincents’s Hospital, Melbourne and his anaesthetic training through the St. Vincent’s Training program. His anaesthetic training included periods at The Royal Children’s Hospital and The Royal Women’s Hospital. He also worked in the United Kingdom for a year and at Stanford University in California for six months as part of his overseas anaesthetic fellowship.
Dr. Balson worked at worked Royal Women’s Hospital for 30 years and he has ongoing involvement in obstetric anaesthesia and pain relief in labour. He is also currently accredited at many private hospitals in Melbourne including Epworth, Cabrini and St. Vincent’s Private.
Ian performs anaesthetics for a wide range of surgical specialties including orthopaedics, plastics and ear, nose and throat surgery. He is currently in a group practice based in Melbourne and is enrolled in the College of Anaesthetists Continuing Professional Development Programme. He is also an active member of the Anaesthetic Continuing Education Society. He has recently obtained Graduate Diploma in Counselling and Psychotherapy and is using this to counsel fellow practitioners.
Outside Interests
Dr. Balson is married with adult children and loves horse racing, the footy and golf.